8 Week Joggers Guide for Beginners

If you’ve been thinking about incorporating cardio into your workout but not quite sure where to start, we have a great guide that is easy to follow and will help you increase jogging time while building endurance.

If you are new to jogging, then it’s important to understand you’re not going to be able to go 20 minutes right off the bat. Pushing yourself is good, but trying too hard will just tire you out more quickly and can lead to possible injury.

You have to build up the endurance before you go long distances, and although it is not very hard it does take time.

First, always remember to warm up with at least 5 minutes of stretching before and after your workout.

Week 1: If you are just beginning you’ll want to go for a 15 minute walk at least 5 times a week to help your body get used to increased activity.

Week 2: Once your body is used to walking, try jogging for 20 seconds, followed by minimally a 5 minute walk. If you can’t go for the full 20 seconds, this is fine, you can do 10 seconds. Try to do this at least 3 times a week.

Week 3: By the third week your body should be starting to get used to increased cardio and you can start going for 20-30 seconds of jogging followed by 5 minute walks. Do this 4 times a week.

Week 4: Jog for 1 minute, then walk for 5. If you are able you can jog another minute after your 5 minute walk, then make sure to walk another 5 minutes to help your body cool down. You can do this 5 times per week.

Week 5: By now you should have built up enough endurance to jog straight for at least 3 minutes. Then walk for 5 minutes after your jog. Do this 4-5 times a week.

Week 6: At six weeks you should be able to increase your jogging time up to 7 minutes for 5 times a week. Followed by a 5 minute walk after your jog.

Week 7: If you feel you are able you can try for a 10 minute jog 4-5 times per week.

Week 8: Congratulations, you’ve made it this far and you should be comfortable going for 15 minute jogs at least 4-6 times per week.

Always remember to walk before and after your jog, you don’t want to start jogging right when you leave the house, as you want to give your body time to warm up and adjust.

Walking after your jog helps the body to cool down and prevent from tiring yourself out and becoming sick.

Bring a stop watch or pedometer along to monitor how long you have been jogging. Make sure to eat within the first 30 minutes after your jog as your body needs nutrients to replenish the energy you used and this is the best time as your body is in recovery mode and still burning calories.

Also, don’t worry if you can not go as long as the guide, as everyone is different. Adjust to how you see fit, if you can only go for a few minutes at a time, this is fine, push yourself, but not to where you will make yourself sick.

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